Okay, that's cool. I was very "moved", if you can believe it, by this video. At the end I was rather inspired and choked up...
Here's another couple:
It's kind of fun, really, and can be quite addictive. Everything under the sun can be found here. I've had some incredible laughs listening to this "fine" singer:
Anyway, I've not been a big Youtube viewer up to this point, but it really is a great tool for sharing, and a simply mind-boggling array of videos can be found - from the sublime to the ridiculous.
The down-side is that your videos can stop and start, depending on technical situations beyond my understanding, and it can be quite annoying. Also, I've heard library staff grumble about how the video streaming in the library is really slowing down the computers. There's no going back, though, and we'd better upgrade our systems to meet the demand.
As I found above, TPL has been using YouTube for a while now to promote its fundraising programs, and the first video above really is superior. The Ready for Reading videos are a bit more mudane, but then this goes to show some of the range of what can be found if you look. Anyone could use it - teen groups (YAGs) might find it a great project, and this would be an especially good way to connect with other teens. We could have a video on how the library works, as opposed to just explaining it on our website. It's always best to see it. The possiblities are virtually endless...
One more for the road. Yes, she, too, is for real...
Happy viewing and listening,
That's a great selection of videos.